Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Virus Causes Obesity!

See it is not my bad eating habits. It is not the fact I do not exercise. Being fat is because I have a viral infection.

See full story

"In that earlier work, the virus was spotted among 30 percent of obese individuals compared with just 11 percent of non-obese people."

I saw this on the evening news.

Yes external forces can make it harder for some to lose weight than others. If control your diet and exercise then these road blocks become just bumps. Look at the 11% that are not obese.

The virus is an interesting finding though. It may lead to something that can help up to 30% of the obese. Any help will probably still require good old fashion "Eating right and exercise"

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Did You Know! Extraordinary Facts About Exercise

by Dave Elger

Contemplating a workout program but having a hard time getting going? Here are a few facts about exercise that may convince you to get started.

Exercise can accelerate fat burning. A study done back in the 1970s at Ball State University found that the leg muscle of distance runners were 7 times more capable of burning fat after marathon training than the leg muscle of untrained subjects. Just imagine what that kind of training can do for weight loss!

Exercise can lower blood pressure. The number of capillaries surrounding each leg muscle fiber increases by 5-10% following endurance training. This not only makes exercise easier but also lowers blood pressure. Numerous studies support that exercise training does indeed lower blood pressure in hypertensive subjects.

Exercise improves heart function. When you start an endurance based exercise program, expect your resting heart rate to decrease by about 1 beat per minute every week during the initial weeks. This is an indication that your heart is becoming more efficient and pumping more blood each beat. Highly trained endurance athletes can have a resting heart rate as low as 40 beats per minute or even less.

Exercise can prevent muscle loss. Sedentary adults lose 6-10 percent of their muscle mass per decade after age 30, leading to a condition called sarcopenia. Regular strength training can delay or in some cases reverse this trend. When it comes to muscle, you must use it or you will lose it!

Exercise can help you live longer. Studies on large populations have discovered the highest death rates in those who are the least fit. Those who are the most fit have the lowest death rates.

Exercise can improve sex life. A study published by the Harvard School of Public Health found that men who exercised vigorously were half as likely to experience sexual dysfunction when compared to men who did no exercise.

Exercise can improve brain function. Research has discovered that the fittest kids generally score the highest on test scores. Older adults who are fit show less cognitive decline compared to their sedentary counterparts.

Exercise can speed up wound healing. A study out of Ohio State found that skin wounds healed an average of 10 days faster in the exercise group compared to the non exercise group.

Exercise can help the elderly. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association reported gains in leg strength of 374 percent over baseline in men over 90 years of age who began strength training in as little as 8 weeks! Other research has found a reversal in normal age related characteristics in the muscle of seniors who took up weight lifting.

The evidence supporting the benefits of regular physical activity is overwhelmingly positive and seemingly endless. What are you waiting for?

About the Author

Dave Elger is a well respected health and fitness authority now working for the Wasatch Altitude Training Center in Mountain Green, Utah. For Wasatch Altitude Training Center.

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Fat Facts - saturated fats versus unsaturated fats: have we got it all wrong

by Craig Burton

 Fats and oils are simply essential to optimal health. They are important building blocks for the cells of your body, a source of energy and they provide a variety of hormones.

The respected medical journal ‘The Lancet’ (v339, 3/21/93) comments that low-fat diets are associated with increased rates of depression, psychological problems, fatigue, violence and suicide (3).

So why all the bad publicity? Let’s take a brief look at the history of dietary fats and heart disease.

Before 1920 Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) was rare in America, but by the mid fifties it was the leading cause of death among Americans (this corresponds with most Western countries). So what had changed?

In 1953 American doctor Ancel Keys believed that high-fat food was the culprit. He set out to prove this by comparing death rates from CHD and the amount of fats eaten in certain countries to suggest a positive correlation. However it seems Dr. Keys was very selective as to which countries he chose. Out of the possible 22 countries with available data he chose only 6 that supported his hypothesis, which ultimately painted a very different picture.

Dr. Uffe Ravnskov in his book ‘The cholesterol myths’- exposing the fallacy that saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease’ shows Dr. Keys selected graph with only 6 countries and as a comparison the complete picture with all 22 countries that shows no correlation at all.

However Dr. Keys proved to be very persuasive at the time and so the ‘diet/heart’ hypothesis was born. How, with such a dramatic flaw, could this hypothesis recommending a reduction in saturated fats and cholesterol have further continued and gathered strength one may ask? Proponents of the ‘diet/heart’ hypothesis point the finger at the beneficiaries. The main beneficiaries of the research that found fault with competing traditional foods were the vegetable oil and food processing industries, who consequently then began promoting and funding further research designed to support the ‘diet/heart’ hypothesis.

Out of the ‘diet/heart’ hypothesis came several large-scale, long-term, human intervention studies to be set up in many parts of the world. These involved thousands of subjects and hundreds of doctors and scientists costing billions of dollars to prove that a fatty diet caused heart disease.

The most influential and respected investigation of heart disease was carried out by the Harvard University Medical School and called the Framingham Heart Study. This study was influential in determining our current dietary fat recommendations – such as reduce saturated fats and cholesterol – and involved measuring cholesterol and saturated fat intake with subsequent blood cholesterol levels. However after 22 years, the researchers concluded:

“There is, in short, no suggestion of any relation between diet and the subsequent development of CHD in the study group” (1). So why are we still being told this you may ask? Good question!

Nathan Pritikin is cited for being instrumental in the low-fat diet movement. His weight-loss programs proved to be very successful at first. One component included reducing fat. However he also advocated eliminating sugar, white flour and all processed foods and replacing them with fresh, whole foods and a strenuous exercise program, which obviously makes it difficult to single out any one factor. Unfortunately the low fat and fat free diets proved to be very difficult to maintain and over a length of time, as many clients suffered from low energy, depression and weight gain (2).

The World Health Organisation’s European Coronary Prevention Study published in 1983 again proved no correlation between fats and heart disease. The study reduced saturated fats to only 8% of the calorie intake daily, yet in the UK section those subjects who ate more saturated fat died later (1).

So what is the real culprit? Here are some ‘interesting’ facts:

Between 1910 and 1970: animal fat consumption decreased from 83% to 62%

Butter consumption decreased from 18 pounds to 4 pounds per year

Margarine, shortening and refined oils consumption increased 400%

The fatty acids found in arterial clogs are mostly unsaturated (74%) of which 41% are polyunsaturated (Lancet 1994, 344:1195) (3)

Today, CHD causes at least 40% of all US deaths

Let us now have a closer look at fats for a better understanding of their differences. Fatty Acids are classified in the following ways:

Saturated Oils

All carbon bonds are occupied by a hydrogen atom. They are highly stable, solid at room temperature, and normally do not go rancid, even when heated. E.g. coconut oil, butter and lard.

Monosaturated Oils

One double bond in the form of two carbon atoms, double-bonded to each other, and therefore lack two hydrogen atoms. They tend to be liquid at room temperature and like saturated fat are relatively stable, not going rancid easily and therefore can be used in cooking. E.g. olive, almond and peanut oil as well as avocados.

Polyunsaturated Oils

Have two or more pairs of double bonds and therefore lack four or more hydrogen atoms. They remain liquid, even when refrigerated, go rancid easily and must be treated with care. These oils should never be heated or used in cooking. E.g. sunflower, soy, corn and safflower oil.

So, currently most western governments and dieticians recommend reducing saturated fats. However, saturated fats play many important roles in the body. They constitute at least 50% of all cell membranes. They enhance the immune system and protect us from harmful micro organisms entering into the digestive track (2).

Excess consumption of polyunsaturated oils (which are highly recommended by the government) has shown to cause many health problems like heart disease, cancer, immune system dysfunction, liver damage and weight gain (2). Which leads us to that recurring question: why does the government persist in recommending them? The short answer is the government listens to it’s advisors who look to the research and sometimes the research is flawed and influenced by whichever industry funds the study eg the grain, beef, or dairy industry…. Knowing where the money came from is always a good indication of how reliable the information is.

The main reason why the polyunsaturated fat can be harmful is because they become oxidized or rancid when subjected to heat. Rancid oils are characterized by free radicals, which attack the cell membranes and red blood cells. New evidence links free radicals to premature aging and an assortment of diseases including cancer.

Now for the really bad guys: hydrogenated, transfatty acids.

Hydrogenation turns polyunsaturated oils that are normally liquid at room temperature into solids, like margarine and shortenings.

Transfatty (from trans formation): one hydrogen atom of the pair is moved to the other side so that the molecule straightens. Most of these manmade transfatty acids are toxins to the body. But unfortunately your digestive system does not recognize them as such. In the end transfatty acids are structurally closer to plastic than fat – seriously! (4)

Here are the steps to making hydrogenated transfatty acids:

- Begin with a cheap, polyunsaturated oil (e.g. sunflower, soy, corn and safflower oil)

- Mix with tiny metal particles

- Subject this to hydrogen gas in a high pressure, high temperature reactor

- Add soap-like emulsifiers to give better consistency

- Steam clean at high temperature to remove unpleasant odor

- Add dyes and strong flavors

- Compress and pack in blocks and tubs as health food

A long way from being a ‘true’ health food in my opinion!

The popularity of margarine over butter is a true test of the power of advertising. How else could a product with such questionable health risks grow in sales by over 400%?

In summary when viewing all the research, the current recommendations for fat consumption reads like a comedy of errors or, perhaps considering that we have not made a dent in the statistics for preventable diseases, a horror movie. I know for many of you this may all seem too far-fetched which is why I encourage you to not blindly believe what I say, but check your references (starting with those listed below) and dig deeper to formulate your own opinion, which will lead to true empowerment for your health and that of your family and friends

Your 3d Coach
Craig Burton

(1) The Cholesterol Myth Part 2,
(2) Nourishing Traditions, Sally Fallon, 2001, NewTrends Publishing
(3) The Weston A. Price Foundation website
(4) How to eat, move and be healthy, Paul Chek, 2004, C.H.E.K Institute Publication
(5) Total health, Dr. Mercola, 2004,
(6) Know your fats: The complete primer for understanding the nutrition of fats, oils and cholesterol, Mary Enig, Ph.D., 1999
(7) The Cholesterol Myth- Exposing the fallacy that saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease, Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PHD, 2000, NewTrends Publishing

Article by Craig Burton. Craig is a prominent European based holistic health and fitness coach and founder of 3D Personal Training Systems. Craig is a Sports Science graduate with postgraduate accreditations in nutrition, massage, athletic training, and corrective exercise therapy.
He is the author of "The 21 Day Roadmap to Health" available at
Receive your FREE 3d pts tools including the 7 Part Series: Success Strategies for transforming the body, mind and spirit, our FREE monthly Peak Performance Newsletter and our FREE questionnaire to find out more about your current health status at
For more information and articles on health and fitness visit

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Friday, August 10, 2007

Weight Loss - Healthy Life Style

By: alien

A healthy lifestyle for the ages, well that sounds like a joke to most of us.
Yes, even though we might dread the thought of developing a healthy lifestyle, we all reach a point at some time in our lives that we absolutely must begin to think about our bodies.
We only get one shot at this thing called life and continuing to ignore creating a healthy lifestyle simply won't last for the long haul. For most people it is tough to think about their health because thinking about really means that we must recognize the responsibility we have for working to get healthy. We live in a very fast paced world and frankly the personal cost can be quite high if we become unhealthy.
Maybe it is because of age or maybe it is because of all the people around me are fat.
So at what age do we really start to think about our health and realize we are responsible for caring for this vehicle in which we live? It is typically as we age that we realize that we have something to do and for most of us that means getting up off the couch and getting active.
When your diet goes down hill, the rest of you goes along with it.
We have all known a family member, co-worker or friend who has developed issues with their health. It is tough to think back to when we were young and could eat anything that we wanted and it not make a difference. Fast food three times a day, snacks in between and even a midnight fridge raid never seemed to fill us up or even really budge the scale. But try pushing a few years ahead and the story is drastically different. They say wisdom comes with age and perhaps the same rings true with our health. Getting a little older perhaps makes us a little smarter as we decide to seek that healthy life style.
Let's face it, when your health is lost, life seems quite bleak. If you have a poor diet it doesn't take very long at all for your hair to start to lose its shine, perhaps even begin to thin from poor nutrition, and of course your skin begins to look raggedy and cheap leather tough. The absence of a healthy diet can cause your skin to look like the well aged leather cowboy boots. So you wake up one morning and finally say enough.
So, what do you do?
Change is simply one of the hardest things in life that we ever face. It doesn't matter how hard it is, just make the decision and get it done.
You will be more successful if you will get a partner to follow a healthy life style with it is so much easier to do it with a partner. It will definitely be easier if you live with someone and you both decide to follow a health lifestyle together it keeps you from bringing the poor nutritional foods into the house in the first place.
Where do you start?
So you've made the decision to follow a healthy lifestyle .great news so now what? First of all, start with your physician and get a complete physical. Make sure that you have blood work drawn in order to get a baseline of your overall state of health. It's important to know your cholesterol numbers as well as your overall iron levels, red blood cell count, sugar level and liver function. Suck it up, make the call and schedule a complete physical.
Once you've gotten approval with your physician, the do the research and decide what type of diet you plan to follow. As a general rule, plan to follow a diet that is high is vegetable and fruit. Don't go to extremes cutting out entire food groups. Decrease your overall intake of meat, particularly red meat. Decrease carbohydrates although there is no need to eliminate them completely. Add in some fresh fish and lean cuts of boneless, skinless chicken.
Begin with a simple exercise plan. Walking is a great way to get started and costs nothing but your time and a good pair of walking shoes. Make a decision to walk at least 30 minutes every night, without fail. Your health is worth at least 30 minutes of your time.
The main thing to understand is, change your diet, get more exercise, and listen to your doctor.
After you've gotten comfortable with walking and have been consistent with it, then you might consider taking a look at a local gym. Even hiring a personal trainer is a great place to start.
Purchasing a package of personal training sessions can really help you to learn what to do. Especially if you have not worked out before or in a long time, it is important to work with a professional in order to keep from getting hurt.
A gym that has a pool is an incredible choice since swimming is a great exercise that works your whole body. Don't rush and don't expect too much too soon. Give your body time to get used to the new exercise paces you are throwing at it.

Technorati Tags: wieght loss, diet, exercise


Thursday, August 9, 2007

10 Ideas to Get You Exercising

Good idea's. Now I need to apply them!!!

10 Ideas to Get You Exercising

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Exercise and Fat Loss – Effective Steps to Successful Fat Loss

by Michael Lee

Exercise and fat loss may not be as easy as some advertisements claim it to be; oftentimes, you don’t reap the fruits of your labor until much time and effort has been exerted. However, by knowing and applying a few simple exercise and fat loss principles, you will not only lose stubborn fat effectively, but you’ll be able to keep it off successfully as well.

Exercise Any Chance You Get

Keep moving. Make yourself busy with errands. Walk or ride a bike instead of driving to the store. If you do take the car, park as far away from the entrance as possible and walk the rest of the way there. Do the same at work. Shun the elevator and make a beeline for the stairs. Take a walk around your office building for fifteen minutes during lunch. At home, perform household chores — from the dishes to the laundry. Not only are you getting a nifty workout, you’re getting things done, too. Remember, as long as you’re on the move, you’re burning calories.

Muscle burns fat and calories all day long, even when you stay put and do absolutely nothing. Therefore, build more muscle! Do weights or strength training as this boosts metabolism, so that you’re still losing the fat long after you’ve cooled down. You may notice at first that your body seems to be doing anything but lose weight, but that only means you’re gaining muscle tissue, which will then help you lose fat and drop the pounds eventually.

When doing aerobic or cardiovascular exercises, the best time for this would be first thing in the morning, when your body does not have any carbohydrates to burn. To get the energy needed for your workout, your body will burn fat instead. Make sure you drink lots of water beforehand, though, to prevent dehydration.

One great motivation for having a proper exercise and fat loss program, as well as building muscle tissue, is the food you get to eat. If you’ve got plenty of muscles, then you can afford to eat a little more; and you don’t have to worry about your body hoarding all the calories as the muscle will just burn them right up anyway. That’s not to say, however, that you’re free to gorge on all the chips and sweets you can eat to your heart’s desire (and demise). Neither should you deprive yourself of the occasional treat. Moderation is key. Remember, proper diet and nutrition go hand in hand with exercise.

Lose the Lard by Eating Right

Eat frequently but not heavily. Eating five or six small meals throughout the day is ideal than eating three bigger meals. Do not plunge yourself headlong into this, leaving no room to get accustomed to it. Take time to adjust, until you are comfortable with fewer portions at every meal. This strategy also helps the body absorb nutrients more efficiently as it has fewer amounts to work on each time. Keep in mind to consume the most food at breakfast, and the least at dinner, as you have a whole day ahead of you to burn those calories you acquired in the morning.

Never allow yourself to get hungry as this slows metabolism considerably. When that happens, your body is not able to burn as much fat as you would like. Instead, it will only get ‘greedy’ and will want to hold on to whatever you feed it when you do decide to eat, thus, making it more difficult to shed the extra fat.

Do not load up on carbohydrates, as this will keep your body too preoccupied to concentrate on the fat. Eat protein-rich foods like fish, poultry, eggs, beans, milk, and tofu, because protein takes longer to digest and requires the most energy in doing so. Thus, the act of digesting is, in itself, a calorie buster. Fiber foods such as wheat bread will make you fuller faster and, like water, is also very effective in flushing out toxins from the body.

Following a proper exercise and fat loss program really aren’t that complicated after all. And don’t worry about the smallest of actions not making the slightest bit of difference. They do. The numbers may be negligible, but they all add up eventually—and quite sizably, too.

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Cortisol, Stress And Body Fat: Straight Answers To The Top 20 Questions About The Stress Hormone

By Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS

It seems that every time science uncovers some type of association between body fat and anything, opportunistic entrepreneurs are waiting in the shadows to create a product and a marketing campaign around it. They ride the wave into the multi millions, until the buzz dies down or until the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sues and slaps a padlock on their warehouse doors. Then, it’s on to the “next big thing in weight loss,” because they know there will always be a gullible crowd eagerly waiting for the next quick fix. The most recent example is when researchers discovered a correlation between cortisol and abdominal body fat. Cortisol was then blamed as the latest culprit in the obesity problem, and cortisol-suppressing pills were touted as the “miracle solution.”

Big Claims, Little Proof

After a web search on the subject of cortisol, here are some of the claims you may find:

  • Stress makes you fat
  • Cortisol is what makes you fat
  • Cortisol reducing supplements control stress
  • Cortisol reducing supplements reduce belly fat
  • Cortisol reducing supplements get rid of “stress fat”
  • Cortisol reducing supplements balance hormone levels that cause stress
  • Cortisol reducing supplements increase muscle growth
  • Cortisol supplements suppress appetite
  • Cortisol supplements speed up metabolism

The advertising claims include just enough scientific fact to make even the savviest consumers say, “That makes sense, I think I’ll try that.” They also hit home emotionally by focusing on common hot buttons such as stress (who isn’t at least a little stressed in this day and age?) Brilliant marketing. Convincing. Unfortunately, most of the claims being made are completely false, with only a tiny thread of truth woven in.

Cortisol is a very important hormone that you must understand if you want to get maximum results from your training and nutrition programs, but if you don’t educate yourself, you may become one of the millions of victims to fall for this latest fad. The answers to the frequently asked questions in this article will arm you with the science-based facts, while helping you steer clear of the hype-based scams.

What is cortisol?

Cortisol is a hormone produced by your adrenal glands. It falls into a category of hormones known as “glucocorticoids”, referring to their ability to increase blood glucose levels. Cortisol is the primary glucocorticoid.

Why does your body produce cortisol?

Cortisol is a stress hormone. Your body produces cortisol in response to stress, physical, mental or emotional. This can include extremely low calorie diets, intense training, high volume training, lack of quality sleep as well as common daily stresses such as job pressures, fights with your spouse or being caught in a traffic jam. Trauma, injury and surgery are also major stressors to the body (Note: much of the research done on cortisol and stress has been done on recovering patients, and such findings may not carry over to healthy, athletic populations).

What does cortisol do?

Cortisol is part of the fight or flight response. Faced with a “life or death” situation, cortisol increases the flow of glucose (as well as protein and fat) out of your tissues and into the bloodstream in order to increase energy and physical readiness to handle the stressful situation or threat.

How do you know whether your cortisol levels are high?

You can get your cortisol levels tested if you choose to. The most common method of testing is a blood test (blood cortisol levels). Saliva and 24 hour urine tests are also available.

What is a normal level of cortisol?

Cortisol levels are higher in adults than children and levels fluctuate throughout each 24 hour period, so tests must account for the time of day. Cortisol concentrations are highest in the early morning around 6 – 8 a.m. and they are also elevated after exercise (a normal part of your body’s response to exercise). The lowest levels are usually around midnight. According to the Medline Encyclopedia, normal levels of cortisol in the bloodstream at 8:00 a.m. are 6-23 mcg/dl.

Should you get your cortisol levels tested?

For serious competitive athletes, it may be worth the time, expense and inconvenience to have cortisol tests done on a regular basis. Some strength and conditioning coaches insist on it. For the average trainee, as long as you are aware of the factors that produce excessive cortisol and take steps to keep it in the normal, healthy range, then testing is probably not necessary.

Is cortisol related to abdominal obesity?

Yes. There is a link between high cortisol levels and storage of body fat, particularly “visceral” abdominal body fat (also known as intra-abdominal fat). Visceral fat is stored deeper in the abdominal cavity and around the internal organs, whereas “regular” fat is stored below the skin (known as subcutaneous fat). Visceral fat is particularly unhealthy because it is a risk factor for heart disease and diabetes.

Does Cortisol Make you fat?

No, cortisol is not “the thing” that makes you fat. In fact, one of the effects of cortisol is to increase the breakdown of stored adipose tissue into glycerol and fatty acids where it can enter the bloodstream and then be used as energy. High levels of cortisol are merely one contributing factor to storage of abdominal fat, not the primary cause. An excess of calories from too much food and not enough exercise is what makes you fat.

If cortisol is related to abdominal obesity, then will taking a cortisol suppressing pill get rid of abdominal (belly) fat?

No. Just because there is an association between high cortisol levels and abdominal body fat doesn’t mean that a taking a cortisol-suppressing pill will remove abdominal body fat. The studies which showed a relationship between cortisol and body fat did not test whether suppressing cortisol removes fat that is already deposited on your body.

Does stress make you fat?

No. If it did, then everyone who is stressed would be gaining fat. Many people lose weight while under stress. In some studies, test subjects with the highest cortisol (and stress) levels lost the most weight. Stress, by itself, does not increase body fat. However, if stress stimulates appetite and leads to overeating, then the excess calories from “stress eating” can make you fatter.

Is cortisol is bad for you?

Cortisol is not “bad for you,” it is a hormone that is essential for life as part of our natural stress response. There are many hormones in our bodies, which in the proper amounts, maintain good health, but in excess or in deficiency, have negative effects or even contribute to health problems or diseases. Cortisol is no different. For example, Cushing’s syndrome is a disease of high cortisol levels, while Addison’s is a disease of low cortisol levels. You want to maintain a healthy, normal level of cortisol, not suppress your cortisol to nothing or allow it to remain elevated.

Chronically elevated cortisol levels may have a variety of negative effects. Cortisol is catabolic and elevated cortisol levels can cause the loss of muscle tissue by facilitating the process of converting lean tissue into glucose. An excess of cortisol can also lead to a decrease in insulin sensitivity, increased insulin resistance, reduced kidney function, hypertension, suppressed immune function, reduced growth hormone levels, and reduced connective tissue strength. Chronically elevated levels of cortisol can also decrease strength and performance in athletes.

Can suppressing cortisol improve your muscle growth and strength?

High cortisol levels can increase muscle protein breakdown and inhibit protein synthesis (building up muscle proteins), so a chronically elevated cortisol level is clearly counterproductive to building muscle. Bringing elevated cortisol levels back to normal may improve recovery, strength, hypertrophy and performance. However, there is no scientific evidence that reducing your cortisol levels below normal will have any effect on increasing strength or muscle growth.

Should you take a cortisol-suppressing supplement to help you lose weight?

In my opinion, no, absolutely not. Cortisol suppressing supplements are not a valid solution for losing weight. The FTC has filed lawsuits against the makers of Cortislim and Cortistress, charging them with making false and unsubstantiated claims that their products can cause weight loss. Lydia Parnes, acting director of the FTC’s bureau of consumer protection says, “The defendant’s claims fly in the face of reality. No pill can replace a healthy program of diet and exercise.” Reducing excessively high cortisol levels through supplement use may prove beneficial in some ways for hard training athletes. However, pills do not make you lose fat. Body fat is lost by creating a caloric deficit through exercise and nutrition.

Should you take a cortisol-suppressing supplement to help control your stress levels?

There are quite a few supplements, mostly herbs, which are reputed to have “calming,” “relaxing,” “tranquilizing,” “stress-relieving” or “anti-anxiety” effects. These include Magnolia bark, kava kava, valerian, L-theanine and too many others to mention. However, very few studies exist which have directly tested the effects of these herbs on cortisol levels. Although some people may find value in these types of products, the ideal solution is to reduce the stress or change your perception of the stress to lessen its physical effects. Treating symptoms does not remove causes. It can be dangerous to “band-aid” the effects of stress while the stress remains in place.

What should you do if you have a lot of stress in your life?

It makes sense to take steps to reduce stress in your life and lessen the impact of stressors that cannot be avoided. Trying to avoid stress completely is not possible, nor is it desirable. Stress is an important part of life because you can’t achieve positive adaptations and growth without stress to trigger them. It’s continuous stress that you want to avoid. It’s okay to expose yourself to stress, provided there is a sufficient period of rest afterwards so you can fully recover.

One of the best ways to keep cortisol in the normal range is to reduce stress and allow time for recovery and renewal. There are effective and natural means of reducing stress that don’t cost a penny, including getting out in nature, deep breathing, enhancing sleep quality, relaxation exercises, meditation and visualization-guided imagery. It's important to develop a calm mind and sense of tranquility.

What’s in those cortisol pills anyway?

The ingredients can vary in type and quantity from one brand to the next. Some ingredients are included in the formulations to have a relaxing or stress reducing effect, some are included to reduce cortisol levels, while others are aimed at insulin and blood sugar stabilization. Cortislim, for example, contains Magnolia bark, beta sitosoterol, theanine, green tea extract, bitter orange peel extract (source of synephrine), banaba leaf extract, vanadium, vitamin C, calcium and Chromium.

Other ingredients that are often used in the various product formulations include Epidemium, phytosterols, tyrosine, Branched chain amino acids, ginseng, ashwaganda, astragalus, kava kava, St. John’s wort, Melatonin, SAM-e, Valerian, Gingko Biloba, Phosphatidyl Serine (PS), Acetyl L-carnitine and Glutamine. Reviewing all of these is beyond the scope of this article.

If you decide to take a cortisol suppressing supplement what should you look for?

Before you even think about supplements (or drugs), keep in mind that unnatural suppression of cortisol may not be wise or necessary, especially if you haven’t used all the natural cortisol and stress management strategies at your disposal first. Once your nutrition, training and recovery bases are covered, there is some solid research showing that certain supplements may be beneficial, especially for athletes engaged in extremely hard training.

Carbohydrate consumed with lean protein immediately after training has a cortisol suppressing effect. High glycemic index (GI) carbs in particular, cause an insulin spike, which not only helps restore muscle glycogen, stimulates protein synthesis and kick starts the recovery process, it also helps lower the exercise-induced rise in cortisol. The research supporting this practice is substantial. (This should serve as a warning to people on low carb diets that are so strict that they don’t even allow small amounts of carbs after workouts). Rather than solid food, many athletes prefer a liquid “meal” using a commercial post workout drink containing whey protein and maltodextrin plus dextrose or glucose (fast acting protein and high GI carbs) because the rapid absorption time may speed recovery.

Vitamin C, known mainly for cold or flu protection and antioxidant properties, may decrease cortisol levels. A study by Marsit, et al showed a reduction in cortisol levels in elite weightlifters taking 1000 mg. of vitamin C per day. Other studies have reported similar findings.

Phosphatidyl serine (PS) is a phospholipid, which appears to have cortisol suppressing properties. Studies by Fahey and Monteleone have shown that daily doses of 800 mg can reduce cortisol. These studies did not conclude that PS would help you lose weight or gain more muscle.

Glutamine is an amino acid, which in some studies, has been shown to decrease cortisol and prevent a decrease in protein synthesis. Many strength athletes swear by glutamine for improved recovery, but the research is still not conclusive about efficacy or dosages for athletes or bodybuilders. Much of the research on Glutamine was performed on patients recovering from surgery, burns or traumas (severe stresses to the body).

Acetyl-L Carnitine (ALC) has been studied in Alzheimers patients as a method of improving cognitive function. One study showed that long term use of Acetyl L Carnitine lowered cortisol in the Alzheimers patients. Research on rats and mice has shown that ALC increases luteinizing hormone, which may in turn elevate testosterone. Whether these findings carry over to healthy athletes has yet to be proven, but some coaches and athletes believe that ALC lowers cortisol and elevates testosterone.

It’s important to note that the research on some of these substances is often conflicting and inconclusive. It's also important to note that many of the cortisol suppressing supplements which are marketed to athletes or to people seeking weight loss do not contain doses anywhere near the amounts that were used in the research. (Yet another way that supplement companies deceive consumers).

How can you lower your cortisol levels naturally?

You can lower cortisol naturally. In fact, if you are overtrained, unnatural cortisol suppression may be nothing more than a “band aid,” and continued overtraining can lead to adrenal exhaustion, which could take months to remedy. Sometimes the best thing you can do is take a rest or decrease your training volume and intensity rather than artificially attempt to suppress cortisol. Symptoms of overtraining include elevated resting pulse, sleep disturbances, fatigue, decreased strength and decreased performance.

  • Avoid very low calorie diets, especially for prolonged periods of time. Low calorie dieting is a major stress to the body. Low calorie diets increase cortisol while decreasing testosterone.
  • Use stress reduction techniques (stress, anger, anxiety, and fear can raise cortisol)
  • Avoid continuous stress. Stress is an important part of growth. It’s when you remain under constant stress without periods of recovery that you begin breaking down.
  • Avoid overtraining by keeping workouts intense, but brief (cortisol rises sharply after 45-60 min of strength training)
  • Avoid overtraining by matching your intensity, volume and duration to your recovery ability. Decrease your training frequency, and or take a layoff if necessary.
  • Suppress cortisol and maximize recovery after workouts with proper nutrition: Consume a carb-protein meal or drink immediately after your workout.
  • Get plenty of quality sleep (sleep deprivation, as a stressor, can raise cortisol).
  • Avoid or minimize use of stimulants; caffeine, ephedrine, synephrine, etc.
  • Limit alcohol (large doses of alcohol elevate cortisol).
  • Stay well hydrated (at least one study has suggested that dehydration may raise cortisol).

How do you spot a weight loss pill scam?

The cortisol pill is just one in a long string of bogus weight loss products, and it won’t be the last! Why? Because weight loss supplements are big business! Eight or nine figure fortunes have been made from the sales of a single product, which was later proven to be a total farce.

How do you protect yourself? Do your homework! Don’t take anything unless you know exactly what’s in the product, why it’s in the product and how much is in the product. Review the scientific research. Don’t buy a weight loss product just because a radio personality says it works! Don’t jump on the phone with your credit card in hand after watching a thirty-minute infomercial! In this day and age, you have to be smarter than that!


Excessive cortisol is not good. But cortisol is not inherently bad; it’s a vitally important hormone and part of your body’s natural stress response. Cortisol does not make you fat. Stress does not make you fat. Stress may lead to increased appetite… Increased appetite may lead to eating too much… Eating too much makes you gain fat. Make sense?

Cortisol suppressing agents may have some practical uses. But rather than thinking of cortisol supplements as a weight loss miracle (which they most surely are not), get yourself on a solid exercise and nutrition program and seek natural ways to enhance recovery and reduce stress. By doing this first, you may be pleasantly surprised to find that you’re losing fat and gaining muscle and there isn’t a need to take supplements at all.

For more information on how to lose body fat safely, permanently and naturally without supplements or pills, check out the e-book, Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle at


1. Bidzinska, B., et al., Effect of different chronic intermittent stressors and acetyl L Carnitine on hypothalamic beta endorphin and GnRH and on plasma testosterone levels in male rats. Neuroendocrinology, 1993, 57(6): 985-990

2. Bjorntorp, P., Body fat distribution, insulin resistance, and metabolic diseases. Nutrition, 1997, 13: 795-803

3. Bjorntorp, P., Do stress reactions cause abdominal obesity and comorbidities? Obesity Reviews, 2001, 2: 73-86

4. Brillon, et al., “Effect of cortisol on energy expenditure and amino acid metabolism in humans,” Am J Physiol 268 1995: E501-13.

5. Bruno, G, et al,, Acetyl L Carnitine in Alzheimer disease: a short term study on CSF neurotransmitters and neuropeptides. Anzeihmer Disease & Associated Disorders, 1995. 9(3): p. 128-131

6. Chrousos, et al., CRH, Stress and Depression: An Etiological Approach (Las Vegas, NV: Conference on Cortisol and Anti-Cortisols, 1997)

7. Chrousos, G.P., The role of stress and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in the pathogenesis of the metabolic syndrome: neuro-endocrine and target tissue-related causes. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders, 2000, 24, S50-55

8. Dallman, M.F., Pecoraro, N., Akana, S.F., La Fleur, S.E., Gomez, F., Houshyar, H., Bell, M.E., Bhatnagar, S., Laugero, K.D., & Manalo, S. Chronic stress and obesity: a new view of "comfort food". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, (2003), 30, 11696-11701

9. Epel ES, McEwen B, Seeman T, Matthews K, Castellazzo G, Brownell KD, Bell J, Ickovics JR. Stress and body shape: stress-induced cortisol secretion is consistently greater among women with central fat. Psychosom Med. 2000 Sep-Oct; 62(5):623-32.

10. Fahey, et al., Hormonal Effects of Phosphatidylserine (PS) during two weeks of intense weight training (Orlando, Fl : ACSM Conference, 1998)

11. Fry, et al., “Resistance exercise overtraining and overreaching. Neuroendocrine responses,” Sports Med, 1997, 23 (2): 106-129.

12. Futterman, A.D., et al., Immunological and physiological changes associated with induced positive and negative mood, Phychosomatic medicine, 1994, 56(6): 499-511

13. Griffin J, Ojeda S. Textbook of endocrine physiology, 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.

14. Hickson, et al., “Glutamine prevents down regulation of myosin heavy chain synthesis and muscle atrophy from glucocorticoids,” Am J Physiol, 1995, 268: E730-E734.

15. Hickson, et al., “Glucocorticoid antagonism by exercise and androgenic-anabolic steroids,” Med Sci Sports Exerc, 1990, 22: 331-340.

16. Kraemer, W.J., et al, Physiological adaptations to a weight-loss dietary regimen and exercise programs in women. Journal of Applied physiology, 83, 270-279.

17. Krsmanovic, L.Z., et al., Actions of Acetyl L canitine on the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal system in female rats. Journal of Steroid Biochemical Molecular Biology, 1992. 43(4): 351-358

18. Kelley, et al, ‘energy restriction and immunocompetence in overweight women.” Nutrition Research 18.2 (18): 159-169

19. Laitinen, J., Ek, E., & Sovio, U. Stress-related eating and drinking behavior and body mass index and predictors of this behavior. Preventive Medicine, 2002, 34, 29-39

20. Marsit, J.L, et al., Effects of ascorbic acid on serum cortisol and the Testosterone:Cortisol ratio in junior elite weightlifters, Journal of Strength And Conditioning Research, 1998, 12(3), 179-184

21. Martignoni, E., et al, Acetyl L carnitne acutely administered raises beta endorphin and cortisol plasma levels in humans. Clinical Neuropharmacology, 1988. 11 (5) p. 472-47

22. Monteleone, P., et al, Effects of phosphatidyl serine on the neuroendocrine response to physical stress in humans. Neuroendocrinology, 1990, 52:243-248,

23. Monteleone, P., et al, Blunting by chronic phosphatidyl serine administration of the stress-induced activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis in healthy men. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 42(4): 385-388, 1992

24. Ottosson, K Vikman-Adolfsson, S Enerback, A Elander, P Bjorntorp and S Eden, Growth hormone inhibits lipoprotein lipase activity in human adipose tissue, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2000, 80: 936-941,

25. Palermo, S., et al, The effect of L-acetyl carnitine on some reproductive functions in the oligoasthenospermic rat. Hormonal metabolism research, 1990. 22(12), 622 – 626

26. Peeke PM, Chrousos GP. Hypercortisolism and Obesity. Ann NY Acad Sci 1995, 771:665-76.

27. Rizza, et al., “Cortisol-induced insulin resistance in man. Impaired suppression of glucose production and stimulation of glucose utilization due to a post receptor defect of insulin action,” J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 1992, 54: 131-138.

28. Roberts, A.C. et al, Overtraining affects male reproductive status. Fertility and Sterility, 1993, 60(4):686-692

29. Rowbottom, et al., “The emerging role of glutamine as an indicator of exercise stress and overtraining,” Sports Med 21.2 1996: 80-97.

30. Roland Rosmond, Mary F. Dallman and Per Björntorp, Stress-Related Cortisol Secretion in Men: Relationships with Abdominal Obesity and Endocrine, Metabolic and Hemodynamic Abnormalities, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 1998, Vol. 83, No. 6 1853-1859

31. Simmons, et al., “Increased proteolysis: an effect of increases in plasma cortisol within the physiological range,” J Clin Invest, 1984, 73: 412-420.

About the Author:

Tom Venuto is a natural bodybuilder and author of the #1 best selling e-book, "Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle,” which teaches you how to burn fat without drugs or supplements using the little-known secrets of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models. Learn how to get rid of stubborn fat and turbo-charge your metabolism by visiting:

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Count Down To Fitness Success: And Keep Your Motivation Drive Alive

By Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS

There are many fantastic ways to get focused and motivated to begin a diet or exercise program, but often the most difficult thing to do is keep that drive and ambition alive for more than a few weeks and see your goal through to completion.

Within just weeks of starting, many people have already hit their first snag or setback, and as a result, have slipped backwards in the mental focus and motivation department. Setting goals in writing is an essential step to success, but how do you stay focused on them? One technique I have used ever since my very first bodybuilding competition 18 years ago, is...

The "contest countdown calendar."

I have used it ever since, through 28 competitions and it will work for you too, for any fitness goal.

I purchase a desk or wall calendar - the type that shows each week stretching horizontally across the page with an open block of space for each day.

After I set my goal and place a deadline on it, I do NOT stop there. I take out my calendar and start counting backwards from my target goal deadline to the present day.

T-minus 117 days....

T-minus 116 days...

T-minus 115 days....

I also fill in my workouts for the entire 3-4 month period, which is the typical length I allow for my mid-range goals like contest prep.

you would be shocked - pleasantly so - just how focused this keeps you. Even better still, you get MORE and MORE motivated with each passing day you countdown because the deadline is getting closer

Deadlines are absolutely critical to your success. Little gets done without deadlines.

There is a saying in management and psychology that "work will always expand to fill the time allowed for it's completion."

Remember term papers in school? when you were given a term paper assignment and you had the entire semester to do it, did you run home that first night and get crankin on it?

How about after a week? two weeks? A month? TWO MONTHS?

probably not, eh?

If you're like most people, you put it off until the last minute and you barely got it turned in on time. In fact, there are always a few people who pull all nighters the night before!

Alas, the power of the deadline!

In your fitness endeavors, if you don't have IMPENDING deadlines that give you that twinge in your stomach that says "take action now, or else!" then you find it very easy to say to yourself, ' I have plenty of time so this one cheat meal doesn't matter... it doesn't make much difference at this point if I skip this one workout... I have time to make it up..."

And then, just like the term paper, you are scrambling at the last minute to reach your weight goal. But in the case of a your body, the consequences are more severe and painful than just a bad grade or late penalty.

Inevitably, you succumb to crash dieting and overtraining or other unhealthy fast-weight-loss madness, which eats up your own muscle like a hungry cannibal and sends you spiraling into the dark pit of metabolic damage and the inevitable plateau and weight gain that follow.

But the solution is so simple: Count your way down to success!

Don't stop with setting goals. Put your goal countdown on paper, review your goals every single day, AND know, every single day, how many days there are until your target goal date. You will stay more consciously focused and even better, your unconscious mind will go to work for you in keeping you motivated, on track, and on schedule. You'll come in for a landing on your goal deadline date like an F-16 landing on an aircraft carrier.

I just did my countdown calendar earlier this week... T minus 117 days til my next bodybuilding competition, and thanks to this simple but powerful technique, I'm already focused like a laser beam and have been making steady progress without so much as a hiccup...

Don't under-estimate this simple technique... Give it an honest test... because it's often the simplest motivational techniques that are the most powerful of all!.

About the Author:

Tom Venuto is a natural bodybuilder and author of the #1 best selling e-book, "Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle,” which teaches you how to burn fat without drugs or supplements using the little-known secrets of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models. Learn how to get rid of stubborn fat and turbo-charge your metabolism by visiting:

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Monday, August 6, 2007

Weight Loss update (8/6)

Now my over all update. I am now 207 pounds and maintain the 17% body fat I reached 3 weeks ago. Everything seems to be holding steady, which is good considering I have not done any exercise in 2 weeks!!

I seem to have lost my drive and it is in more than just this part of my life. Time to charge my batteries. Just don't know what I am going to do yet.

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Biggest Looser round 3

Last Friday was the official weigh in for the biggest looser program at work.

I loss 9 pounds and around 4% of my body weight. That was not good enough to win this time. The winner loss 12 pounds which was about 5% of his body weight.

Over the course of the 3 rounds, I have lost 44 pounds and I am now hovering around 17% body fat.

I continue to try and improve my eating and exercise habits. I am not on a true diet, but view this as a life style change. I do have to keep reminding myself that it is not as much what I do or don't do in a day but the sum of what I do most days.

I hear the words of a blind Chinese monk from the old TV series Kung Fu "Patience Grasshopper" 


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Monday, July 16, 2007

Weight Loss Update (7/16)

I am now down to 207 pounds. The good news is my body fat is down to 18%.

I probably will not make the 200 pound goal, but as long as I am losing body fat I don't care.

So I am setting a body fat goal. I plan to make 16% BF by August 3rd. This is the end of the 3rd round of the biggest loser contest at work.

I am still going to am toward the 200 pound mark, but it will be extremely hard at this point. Anything less than 205 will be satisfying at this point.

The important part is the body fat is still coming off!!

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Monday, July 9, 2007

Dieting: How Much Weight You Can Expect to Lose

Science seems to be supporting  what I already believed.

The BIG WEIGHT LOSS SECRET IS ...... control your eating and get plenty of exercise. You can't go on a diet (because diets end). You have to change your habits and life style.

Dieting: How Much Weight You Can Expect to Lose

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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Weight Loss Update (7/03)

I am now down to 208 and 20% body fat!!!!

I am a little behind in my goal of 200 by 7/31, but I can still make it.

Exercise continues to be my saving grace in this venture. My diet has not been as good as it should. My exercise is consistent but not at the level it should be. In other words I am not doing a full 40 plus minutes a day. If I get that straighten out and clean my diet back up I should my this goal or even surpass it.

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Friday, June 29, 2007

Weight Loss Update

I am now down to 210 pounds!!!

I eat more calories now than I did at the beginning of the diet.

Exercise for me is the key. It keeps my weight loss going, pushes me threw plateaus, helps my outlook, keeps me focused and relaxes me.

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Why Don't You Exercise?

Pretty much sums up my excuses. 

Why Don't You Exercise?

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6 weeks to change your life

Slowly making changes is the easiest way to change. This plan is what I modeled to make the many changes in my eating habits. I did not follow it verbatim, but had done much of it before I saw it for the first time.

Got this from a posting on :

The Easy Six Week Diet Transition

In some ways, changing your diet is similar to making a successful resolution in that it's conceptual at first. Your long-range goal should just be to eat well. As your healthy eating behavior becomes a habit, you will find the other intangibles (such as weight loss, energy gained, etc.) falling into place. The easiest way to accomplish this is a gradual transition from food choices that don't help to food choices that do. By making this transition gradually over six weeks, we've found it to be the easiest diet program ever recommended.

Working in a 6-week cycle, you can train (or trick, if you will) your body into craving more nutritious foods. This cycle is easier if you're exercising because your body will crave the proper nutrients to re-build its broken down tissue.

Week 1
Eliminate the junk from your diet. That's it, just junk; no potato chips, candy, ice cream, etc. Other than this you may eat whatever you like... and here's the kicker: you may cheat on this twice, and that means for TWO WHOLE DAYS YOU CAN EAT WHATEVER YOU LIKE AND STILL SUCCEED!

Week 2
No eating for 3-hours before you go to bed. That way your body can go to sleep in fat-burning mode, rather than in calorie-storing mode. Plus each week carries over, so you still cannot have junk, except for the 2 days when you may cheat and eat whenever and whatever you like.

Week 3
Eat 5 to 6 small meals a day. If you make yourself do this, the size will control itself because you won't ever get ravenously hungry. Try to keep each meal balanced as close to 30% protein, 40% carbohydrates, and 30% fat as you can - and try and eat for what you will be doing for the next three hours (If you're working out, eat more, sitting at a desk, eat less)... Still no junk food, and still no eating three hours before bedtime. You may cheat on two days.

Week 4
Eliminate fast food and alcohol. This can be hard for many of us because we now have to plan our meals, but hey, it's only for a couple weeks. People tend to forget that alcohol has calories, and it also slows your metabolism. Cheat ONLY ONE DAY this week.

Week 5
Eat whole foods. This means that you eliminate any processed foods from your diet, such as bread, most salad dressings, almost all cereal, luncheon meats, cheese, anything with preservatives, and most everything served in restaurants. What you can eat are whole foods such as fruit, raw or steamed vegetables, meat (sans any type of sauce), natural grain rice, poached eggs, etc. It shouldn't be terribly hard since your eating habits have been slowly changing. Still, it's a hard week because it will feel like dieting. Try not to cheat, but you may if you find yourself getting ravenous - just keep your blowout to a minimum.

Week 6
Eat healthy. Eat whatever you want, following the general rules we've followed for the last five weeks. You may be surprised to find yourself craving something healthy instead of a candy bar or pint of Ben & Jerry's. You should now be better at listening to your body because it will tell you what it needs to eat, as opposed to what you're used to eating - especially if you're working out. Keep a couple of cheating days, allowing yourself to give in to occasional indulgences. Just try not to overdo it.

Now take some time off and don't think about dieting. Have your eating habits changed? Most likely they have. You may find that your body feels transformed and that you've shed some fat! More importantly, because you have gradually changed your lifestyle, your body is likely to maintain this change, without a lot of effort on your part.

You should now know enough about yourself to tweak the next 6-week plan to suit you. However, keep the cheating days. They are important, and not just because they allow you to have fun. Whenever you are restricting your caloric intake, your metabolism wants to slow down because it thinks that you are starving. By "cheating" a couple of days a week, you actually trick your metabolism to stay higher, so you lose more fat.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Diet and Exercise- What the studies say

Here is a link to a posting on a blog I enjoy reading:

3 Proven Truths About Exercise and Weight Loss

To sum up the article and posting, you can lose weight without exercise but you will have a heck of a time keeping it off without exercise.

What I already believed.

Friday, June 22, 2007

My Diet Recap

I thought it would be a good time to recap where I was and how I am progressing.

When I started in January I was about 250 pounds, 50 inch waist at the navel and around 36% body fat.

Today I am 212 pounds 39 inch waist at the navel and 22% body fat. My lean mass has increased for 161 pounds to 166 pounds.

My diet consists of 1600 to 2000 calories, and I try to keep the calorie ratio to 40% carbs 40% protein and 20% from fat. It kind of a modified zone diet in that sense. I decreased my carb intake because my body seems to be real good at turning carbs into fat. I upped the protein to promote lean muscle growth. I continue the practice of eating 5 meals a day like is in the 3 Hour Diet.

My weight loss goal is to reach 185 pounds and between 6 and 10 % body fat by October 31st.

I will outline my exercise routine in a future post.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

I am BAAACK!!!

After a long time being MIA, I am back. I have not fallen of the wagon, just not done my duty to update this blog.

A quick update on what I have done:

I won the biggest loser contest at work losing about 20 pounds!! That was an average of 2.2 pounds a week.

I won the second round of biggest loser at work losing about 14 pounds in 8 weeks. That's about 1.75 pounds a week.

To this date I have lost a total of 42 pounds since January 9th this year. My goal of being 180 to 185 by July 4th will not happen. My new goal is to make 200 by the July 31st and to be 185 by October 31st.

I have modified my diet and exercise some. But that will be the topic of an up coming post.  More updates later.

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Friday, January 26, 2007

Weightloss for week 2

My weight at the last offical weigh in was 247.4. a weightloss of 3.6 pounds!
My exercise routine is started. I am doing 30 minutes of arobic now. I will be increasing that to 60 minutes in the up coming week. I am also working on my core musles and going dumbbell work outs. I just read about a new study that studyed the effects of diet and execise on motablism in a controlled enviroment. There were some intersting findings. But one I don't think they looked at the big picture on:

They found there is no way to selectively lose belly fat, for instance, or trim
thighs. And their carefully controlled study added to evidence that adding
muscle mass does not somehow boost metabolism and help dieters take off even
more weight.

Muscle burns some calories just to maintain itself, fat does not. So muscle has to increase calories used compared to that weight in fat. It also says:

Ravussin has published other studies that also dispute the idea that exercise
builds muscle that helps people lose weight.
"If anything, highly trained
people are highly efficient, so they burn fewer calories at rest," Ravussin

This is true, but the exercise to build and maintain that level of training burn large amounts of calories. Here is a link to the whole story : Diet, exercise take off equal pounds, study finds
There are some "truths" they do totally disprove. I just think on these 2 points they stretched to reach their conclusions.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


At the official weigh in I weighed 251.0 a loss of 3.4 pounds. Not bad for just diet. I am just now getting my exercise part going. The 3 hour diet is working well. I am not as hungry because I eat something every 3 hours. I will post more later.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Offical start of Diet

Well I offically started the diet Monday. We are doing a biggest losser contest at work. My starting weight was 254.4. My goal is to be between 180 and 185 by the 4th of July. I am using the 3hour diet atleast to start. We will see how it goes.

Long term Safety of Diet Drugs Unknown

The title says it all. Becareful of what you put in your body and weigh the risks. For some these drugs may be perfect, to others they may be a bad thing.

Safety of Diet Drugs Unknown

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Beware the miracle diet pill claims!!

The FTC has gone after 4 major diet pill sellers. The makers of Xenadrine EFX, CortiSlim, TrimSpa, and One-A-Day WeightSmart have been fined. See details in the article linked below:

I wonder why they went after these. There are others that seem worse to me. Take Hoodia for example. I had missed it until recently, but Hoodia seems to be 99% hype. Check this wikipedia link, be sure to check the references:

Hoodia may prove to be a break through but for now I would beware.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

You want to increase your metabolism?

The best way to increase your metabolism will also improve your body image. The magic answer is to build your bodies core. Stronger Abs and Back: 165 Exercises to Build Your Center of Power gives you a plan and many exercises and variations to them. I found the explanations and pictures did a good job of explaining the varies positions. There is nothing new age or fancy here but a good reference to help build your core. I rate this a 4 of 5 stars. Not a page turner and not as good as being shown the exercises in person.

If you are interested here is a link to amazon:
Stronger Abs and Back: 165 Exercises to Build Your Center of Power

Using artificial sweeteners may acutally make you fat!

The studies used in this article suggest that artificial sweeteners inhibit the body's ability to monitor calorie in take. This leads to a larger body size in those who use artificial sweeteners . Or maybe they are guilty, like me, of drinking a diet drink while enjoying a big mac and large fries? I know that the calories do register when I eat but I chose to ignore that fact while enjoying my food. I am beginning to see a theme develop in my research. But more on that later as I need more research before I can state my great diet theory ;-)